
Make Google Map Offline to PPC

If you want to use google map in PPC without data charge, you should try Terracrosser (terracrosser.com). It contains a tools to grap googlemap image from PC, then compiled to a file stored in PPC which can be read from the PPC software.

It is a very good tools for traveller.


How to download streaming media

How to download internet streaming media file for offline use?

In order to download the files, you need to have a software, here to introduce a software called flashget (www.flashget.com).

Just download and install it according to the on screen instructions.

After that you can go to the streaming web site and get the link. For example go to RTHK (www.rthk.org.hk) Copy the link location (e.g. http://www.rthk.org.hk/asx/rthk/tv/hkheritage08/20080702.asx) and paste it (Ctrl-V) in FlashGet, then a box will be shown click ok it will download to the directory you stated in the box.

If the download did not start, try to change the link by started with rtsp:// instead of mms:// .

However it was found that it does not support youtube video. For youtube video, you can use free online service like http://keepvid.com/.

To play the FLV, use the flv player (downloaded from http://download.cnet.com/FLV-Player/3000-13632_4-10467081.html?part=dl-6277687&subj=dl&tag=button)

Just try and learn.


Windows 7 Build 7000 上 7100

Windows 7 build 7000 七月一日就會到期,要安新的release candidate來extend試用,官方稱要從新安裝,但從internet 發現只要小小俢改就可由7000直上7100版。

1. 從官網下載Windows 7 RC
2. 將ISO檔燒成DVD / 掛載ISO檔
3. 全抄所有file到硬碟中 (e.g. D:\Win7src)
4. 用notepad修改D:\Win7src\sources\cversion.ini
5. 將miniclient的value改為7000
6. 存檔後執行D:\Win7src\setup.exe
7. 升級會立即執行
8. 最後鍵入serial number
9. 完成後到期日會extend到2010年3月




這裡會有更多的資料: http://www.freenas.org/


黃毅力 力筆從心:今天事,今天做


"他們知道自己有問題,卻又束手無策;自己感到迷惘,又說找不到方向;認為自己已盡了力,但又得不到好結果;看完我的文章又說知易行難。所有問題背後也是病態上的心理問題,就是「拖延時間綜合症」(Procrastination) 。這英文字來自拉丁文,意思是For Tomorrow (明日才算),從客觀心理學說,是意願與執行之間的一個大缺口。

黃毅力 力筆從心:今天事,今天做


Free Hard Disk Partition Tools - Easeus Partition Manager

Easeus Partition Manager 3.5


It has 4.5 / 5 point form CNet.

Tested is needed sometime later


台北光華商場 (腦場) 點去 / How to go to Taipei Guang Hua Digital Plaza



台北烏來溫泉區點去 / How to go to Wulai





台北101點去 / How to go to Taipei 101









香港勞工法例 - 年假

香港勞工法例 - 年假

唔搵唔知原來法例規定有薪年假是按年資決定,僱員按連續性合約受僱滿12 個月,便可享有有薪年假。有薪年假日數按僱員受僱年資由7 天遞增至最高14 天。

除此之外,所有僱員,不論服務年資的長短,均可享有下列 12 天法定假日:
  1. 1 月 1 日
  2. 農曆年初一
  3. 農曆年初二
  4. 農曆年初三
  5. 清明節
  6. 勞動節(5 月 1 日)
  7. 端午節
  8. 香港特別行政區成立紀念日(7 月 1 日)
  9. 中秋節翌日
  10. 重陽節
  11. 國慶日(10 月 1 日)
  12. 冬至或聖誕節(由僱主選擇)

from 香港勞工法例 - 僱傭條例簡明指南 - 有薪年假篇

Last Updated on 2021-07-09


Portable CD/DVD burner

A light-weight CD / DVD burner freeware.

Ease to use, like Nero with Explorer GUI. It is portable, no installation needed

Download from here.

File recovery tools

Easy to use file recovery tools for windows. Freeware for undelete / unerase files in hard disk / usb drive.

You can also use this to check file which secure deleted.

Can be download from http://www.recuva.com/

Windows XP: Disable the automatic search for network printers and folders

Windows XP

Disable the automatic search for network printers and folders by changing folder options
To disable the automatic search for network printers and folders, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Appearance and Themes, and click Folder Options to open the Folder Options dialog box.

2. Click the View tab.

3. In the Advanced Settings list, click to clear the Automatically Search for Network Folders and Printers check box.

4. Click OK.


Use of Firework Symbol Library

How to use Firework CS4 Symbol Library

1. Make up the symbol
2. Press F8 to save symbol
3. Enter a name and "Check" the "Save to common library"
4. Enter the symbol filename (*.graphic)
5. Copy / Move the .graphic file to the common library folder (e.g. C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Fireworks CS4\Common Library)
6. The symbol then can be called by selecting from the common library panel


Office Web Component 2003 for Office 2007

Office Web Component (OWC) 2003 for Office 2007

After installed Office 2007, you will find that the office web component was missing, it is because Microsoft have terminated the support of OWC from version 2007, however, the component bring a lot of convenience to web. I have found that installing the following can bring the component back.


So just download and install in PC with office 2007.

Video Converter - SUPER

SUPER is a freeware for convert video file to different format.

The supported input video format: 3gp, 3g2, amv, asf, avi, dat, dvr-ms, fli, flc, flv, m2ts, mpg, mkv, mov, m4v, mp4, nsv, ogm, qt, rm(vb), str, swf, ts, trp, ty, ty+, tmf, viv, vob, wmv ..

The supported output video format: 3gp, mpg, mp4, mov, avi...

Just try and discover whether it is your tea.

It can be downloaded from http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html


Secure Erase of Hard Disk

DBAN is a freeware that can completely erase the hard disk and prevent it from data recovery. It is very useful if you want to disposal hard disk with secure information.

The file downloaded is a bootable CDRom ISO image. In order to use it, just burn the CD image and boot with the CD. It runs with Linux kernel, but it is contain an user-friendly GUI for normal user. Just try and you will know how to use.

URL: http://dban.sourceforge.net/


如果大家要製做pdf,加頁﹑減頁﹑改變排版次序可能都要靠要俾錢買的adobe acrobat,其實係有freeware可以幫到手,今日就等我介紹一下。

1製做PDF可以用cutePDF writer(http://www.cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/writer.asp)
Download及安裝完就會多個cutePDF writer的printer係你個電腦到,想製做PDF就用這個printer print,之後佢會叫你入filename,個pdf就係咁做出來。

2加頁﹑減頁﹑改變排版次序可以用pdf toolkit

1. command line version: http://www.pdfhacks.com/pdftk/
用dos command line 去加減調,比較複雜,但做batch方便好多

2. gui version: http://www.angusj.com/pdftkb/
係一位有心人做了個GUI (Graphical User Interface)比大家用,功能同command line一樣,如果少量轉換,用佢好方便。
